News and articles on Carolyn Long’s career and campaign.

My first endorsement in 50 years goes to Carolyn Long

The Reflector - Letter to the editor
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My first endorsement in 50 years goes to Carolyn Long

My dad always told me that you won’t make any money as a barber, but you will get an education. Well, after being a barber in Kelso for 57 years, I’ve got an education. Among other skills, I’ve learned to communicate with people, to read people and to know when I’ve met someone special. Which is why I am writing today. I’ve just met someone special who is running for Congress and her name is Carolyn Long.

  I strongly support Carolyn Long and I urge you to do so as well. Over the years, I’ve counseled dozens of political candidates and I know a good one when I see one. I’m not a Democrat or a Republican — I vote for the candidate, not the party. Carolyn is honest, qualified, bright, well-spoken and energetic. And she comes from modest beginnings. She grew up in a rural community and helped in the family business, then worked her way through college to become an professor. And she cares about Southwest Washington. Carolyn’s efforts to foster relationships with voters through her many town halls and events shows her commitment to the community. I have been so impressed by Carolyn that this is the first time in 50 years that I am writing a letter in support of a candidate. Her professional experience and unique skills are exactly what we need in Washington D.C. and it is crucial that we gain support throughout the district. 

  I encourage you all to support Carolyn Long however you can: vote, volunteer, donate, talk to friends and family. Southwest Washingtonians need a representative in Congress as qualified and hardworking as Long. Together, we can send Carolyn Long to Congress and finally get the representation we deserve.